Tuesday, March 5, 2024

TVS Bowling Network Has Launched as a 24/7 Streaming FAST Channel on the WatchYour.TV Platform, Powered by Tulix

 TVS Television Network has reached deep into their classic sports archives to launch the TVS Bowling Network. Championship Bowling, Top Star Bowling, Las Vegas Celebrity Bowling, Candlepin Bowling, ,LPBT Bowling, PBA Regional Bowling, PBA Senior Bowling, Make THat Spare, Jackpot Bowling and Collegiate Bowling classics have been included on the program schedue.

New bowling shows such as Challenge Cup Bowling,  Spin It + Win It Bowling Trivia Show, and Bowlarama productions will be included.

TVS Bowling Network is a part of the TVS Sports Bundle of free to view TVS sports networks on the WatchYour.TV platform. Others include TVS All American Network, TVS Tavern TV Network, TVS Classic Sports Network, TVS Women Sport Network, TVS Turbo Network, TVS Boxing Network, and the TVS TeleSports Network.

To checkout the TVS Bowling Network, GO HERE:


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