Strongman David 'The Mighty' Gonzales just finished principal shooting of the TVS Television Network Showcase Production 'Mighty Feats of Strength' at the 'D' Casino in Las Vegas. In the show The Mighty Gonzales tears a license plate in half, then he tears a thick phone book in half, then he has a guy sledgehammer a cider block over his chest, then the guy sledgehammers a cinder block over his genitals, then he bends an iron bar with his teeth, then he bends an iron bar over his head, and then he has the guy drop a bowling ball on his head not once - not twice- but THREE times in a row!
You will be able to see the TV Special on the TVS Action Network, one of ten TVS Sports 24/7 streaming Fast Channels on WatchYour.TV, powered by Tulix.
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